Our work continues here as we try to decipher what God was showing us on our trip. The need is endless in Ethiopia, we just want to be diligent to God's leading in the ministry of Ethiopia Hope and use His resources that He has blessed us with to make a tangible difference in a church in Ethiopia. So your continued prayers for direction are greatly appreciated, as it is still unclear in our minds where our primary focus of ministry in Ethiopia should be. We have wonderful friendships with two different churches, who are doing great things for God's kingdom in Ethiopia, each in their own ways. It is truly a blessing to be a part of either one of their ministries.
Stay tuned for more announcements at Harvest, and in the weekly for future trips to Ethiopia. Here are some pics that might tug at your heart strings. Some of these are from the Compassion project in Modjo, which provides resources for your sponsored children. Enjoy!!!