Monday, November 9, 2009

Hey Everyone..

Ariel posting tonight.

Sunday we attended church with Haddush who is with CWA. The church is called Beza International. The time was very uplifting. The worship time allowed me to reflect on the week's events and pray for the Kore sub-city in Addis, where we did our work this week.

In the afternoon we toured the National Museum. After this we went to the Lion Zoo. Which has 6 breeding couples and 4 cubs. There was an extra charge for me to carry my camera, interesting. But once inside the area a gentlemen, the trainer who feeds the lions, took me personally around the park He put me in specific places to get the best pictures and get the most for my money. Very cool. They also have a rabbit from New Zealand and monkeys. We also got a chance to try some ice cream. After this we drove way up above the city of Addis, to the old city of Addis. We were at about 10,000 ft. You have to even pay to walk down the path and all along the way there are kids planted that have memorized certain facts about the area. They don't leave your side and want to be paid as you get ready to leave. This area up on the mountain is full of farming areas, much colder, and had refreshing air to breath. It was neat to see the city from above. I just wanted to go for a hike in the woods.

We have also located a little shop near the Guest Home that sells pop in a bottle. Awesome. Pepsi is much better in a bottle. Aaron and Kyle are really liking the Miranda orange soda. So we got to enjoy one with dinner. The chef here at the guest home has been blessing us with great food. He makes this spagetti sauce with some kind of chile powder stuff. Amazingly good. I plan on making it at home when we return. We have also gotten a chance to try avacado in a new way. First we had with pineapple juice for breakfast one morning. Very good. And for lunch one day we had a yogurt, banana, avacado pudding. Suprisingly delicious. Another recipe for me to make when I return home.

Monday, today, we went back to the Acacia Village building site to speak with the contractor. It was a good visit and helped us understand where in the future it may be possible to help with the project.

While here in Addis, we have developed many friendships with the staff at the EGH. They have become dear friends of ours. We taught them how to play dutch blitz and now they are beating us at the game. I can't begin to tell you the amount of good conversations we have had and laughter we have shared. For example the birthday party they arranged for Aaron. We hope that these friendships will only grow as we continue to do work in Ethiopia. But yesterday we received news that one of these friends had received tragic news. His sister had been killed while living in America. He has to find some way to bring her home to Addis. He hopes he can obtain a VISA and go the U.S, but this can be very hard for an Ethiopian. Praise the Lord she knew the Lord as her Savior and is now with Him in heaven and we will all get to meet her someday. The Lord has also provided a friend of hers in America to help our friend in Addis with the logistics in America. So we went and saw him today at his home. To try to offer some encouragment and to just be with him as he suffers through this confusion and pain. Thankfully we were able to just that. He needs our continued prayers as he wrestles with the confusion in his mind and the task of bringing her home. We also are praying that through this tragic situation his own family, that does not know that Lord, would be able to see His blessing and come into a relationship with Jesus Christ. May he give our friend the strength and discernment to lead his family. Will you please pray with us?

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